Friday, February 15, 2008

valentines surprise

Last week I asked Keith what he wants to do for Valentines day- go out or stay home. He wanted to stay home and have lasagna. I liked the idea- going to a restaurant on that day is more stressful then anything else to me anyway.
He got home just before 7 and we were about to start eating dinner. The doorbell rang and in come four guys in tuxedoes! I knew right away what was going on. Keith surprised me with the vocal majority (well 4 of the 160)!! They asked for me, gave me a rose, a CD and a card and then they sang 2 songs. I was bawling the whole time. It took me forever to get my composure back. Wow!! That was truely a surprise and by far the most romantic thing Keith has done for me. I was really touched. I love you Keith.

1 comment:

Our Dallas Life said...

Oh My Gosh! What a surprise! Keith has major love bank points for that, I'm sure! So sweet and you deserve it!!!