Thursday, July 24, 2008

3 Months old

Samuel is 3 months old today. So many things happened this month. He started to grab and hold onto things now and puts everything in his mouth- like toys and his lovie. He is holding his head up pretty well when sitting up. Taking a bath is still his favorite thing in the evening- by the end of the bath, there is only half as much water in there because he is kicking so hard! Even drying him off is getting less fussy.
He slept through the night a few times now, but that's not consistent yet. His naps have become pretty short though. :(
He weighs about 12 1/2 pounds and is about 24 inches long.
Samuel is pretty happy and content most of the time;)

Samuel ist jetzt schon 3 Monate alt. Er hat diesen Monat viele Fortschritte gemacht: Er greift jetzt nach Spielsachen und haelt sie fest; haelt seinen Kopf schon lange aufrecht; hat jetzt schon ein paarmal durch die Nacht geschlafen (aber noch nicht regelmaessig)- schlaeft aber nicht mehr viel Tagsueber; er liebt es immer noch zu baden- am Ende ist nur noch halb so viel Wasser in der Wanne drin ;),
Er wiegt etwa 5500gramm und ist 61cm lang.
Samuel ist ziemlich ausgeglichen und gluecklich- meistens zumindest;)

tummy time- while looking at himself

bath time!! (look at those "waves")

drying off

happy baby

and here he is "talking"

Sunday, July 20, 2008

We got him a little pool today. Once he got used to the water temperature, he was having a lot of fun!

And here he is squealing

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Sunday, July 13, 2008

He discovered himself in the mirror a few days ago- it seems to fascinate him.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Another video...

...of him kicking- it's too funny!

"tummy time"

Monday, July 7, 2008

day at the beach

We went to lake Texoma on Saturday- his first time at and in a lake....

"I don't know about this..."

"It's cold!"
"Ok, maybe it's not that bad after all"

"happy baby"

"Wow- that was exhausting!"

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Sunday was his first time in the nursery. From what they told me- he did great. Afterwards we went to the Arboretum:

hanging out in the pack'n play