Wednesday, April 30, 2008

random pic's

If you want to see more pictures, click HERE - there is a bunch more.


We picked up my mom from the airport on monday afternoon. She was so excitd to see us again and to finally meet the first grandbaby!!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Welcome to this world!

Samuel was born on Thursday, April 24 th at 2:03 pm. He weighed 5 pounds 8 ounces and was 18 inches long.

After 7 hours of labor at home we headed to Baylor. By then my contractions had gotten really close all the sudden- 1 to 2 minutes apart. After they finally checked me in and asked tons of questions, they checked my cervix- I was 8 centimeters dilated!! I got wheeled into the delivery room right away and started pushing just minutes later. There was no time for an epidural anymore and he was out 5 or 6 pushes later. I thought the hardest part was over, but the stitching up took another 1 1/2 hours. I had a pretty complicated tear that was hard to get to and I almost had to have the epidural after all....
I would have not made it through all this whithout my hubby Keith and my sweet friend Debbie- who came to the hospital right when we got there too. Thank You ;)

Samuel is such a sweet little guy. He captured our hearts right away.
Here are a few first pictures:

Just born....

First family picture

Daddy and me

Mommy and me

Debbie and me

Finally Home

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

dr. update

I just came back from Baylor. Besides some light cramps once in awhile, nothing has changed since last week. We talked about a possible inducion date if nothing is happening in the next week. So my Doctor decided to go ahead and do a cervical exam. SURPRISE!! I am already 3 centimeters dilated and at -1 gestation.... WOW. She also couldn't find his heartbeat right away because he is so low down there already. This is so exciting. He should be here very soon.
Can't wait.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Thursday, April 10, 2008

37 weeks

I am full term now and still feeling pretty good- ready to get this last month over with though;). Yesterdays Dr. appointment went well. My blood pressure is good, he is growing appropriately and everything else looks fine too. He may be here any time now!!
My mom is coming in about two more weeks- can't wait to see her again.