Monday, July 27, 2009

Pediatrician update

Samuel is growing like a weed- 31 1/2 inches (70%) but isn't on the weight chart anymore- 19.6 lbs (-3%). Dr. Curtis said that this is normal and expected since he was always little. They also tested his vision and it is great! Yay!
Samuel ist jetzt 80cm gross und wiegt 8900 gramm. Also gross und duenn wie der Papa. Er hat auch seinen ersten Sehtest gehabt und alles sieht gut aus!

Friday, July 24, 2009

15 months old

on the run

he has to figure out how everything works- just like daddy

Oh look- toilet paper......

climbing on everything now!

Tugger is soooo patient!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

playing video

Here he is playing with one of his favorite toys- his ball popper. Whenever he gets excited he makes this face and crazy arm/ hand movements....

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July

Trip to Pittsburgh, PA

Kevin, Keith and Samuel

downtown Pittsburgh in the back

with Granddad- taking a few steps...

at Grandma's house

Ant Karen

Carina, Keith, Samuel, Kathi, Shawn, Grandpa George, Cookie, Karen (from left to right)

Kathi, Keith, Karen

Karen, Carina, Keith, Samuel, Tom, Jayden, Darby, Hailey, Grandma, Megan and Duncan

Grandma, Erin, Karl, Shawn, Kathi, Keith, Samuel, Carina

Keith, Kathi, Samuel, Shawn

Karen with Samuel

Grandma, Keith, Karen, Samuel, Kathi

with Grandma Pat