Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

6 months old

Milestones this month: babbles and squeals more ("mamama, bababa, dadadada"), sitting unsupported for a few seconds at a time, eating solid foods (so far he had squash, sweet potatoes, peas, green beans, pears, avocado, applesauce), rolling on his stomach and back and scooting around.
He (usually;))sleeps about 11 hours at night and takes 2 good naps during the day.
He weighs 14lb 10oz and is 26 1/4 in long.

Samuel "erzaehlt" jetzt staendig: bababa, mamama, dadadada,...
Er kann fuer ein paar Secunden sitzen befor er umfaellt;). Er isst jetzt Gemuese und Fruechte: Kuerbis, Suesskartoffeln, Erbsen, Bohnen, Avocado, Birne, Apfelmus. Er rollt auf den Bauch und zurueck auf den Ruecken und robbt sich durch die Gegend.
Er schlaeft normalerweise 11 Stunden durch die Nacht und haelt einen Vormittagsschlaf und einen Nachmittagsschlaf:)
Samuel wiegt 6400 gramm und ist 66cm lang.

he didn't like avocado at all..... lol

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

first camping trip

We took Samuel camping last weekend (Friday- Monday). He had a great time!

hiking with Lena

chillin' with Tina

hanging out with Ashleigh

napping in mommy and daddy's bed

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

sleeping in Will's arm- he was worn out!

hanging out with uncle Nathon

having fun with Ashleigh

in his "big boy" stroller

he loves Melody....

at the lake with mommy
What a fun weekend!!
Click here if you want to see all the pictures.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Several milestones this week: he learned how to turn on his tummy on Monday, had his first squash this week (1/4 of the freezer is taking up by all the baby food I made) and he started saying "mamamamama....". So cute!
Samuel hat diese Woche gelernt sich auf den Ruecken zu drehen, hatte seine erste Gemuese Mahlzeit und er sagt jetzt staendig "mamamamama...". Voll niedlich!

Here is a video of him laughing- finally!
Hier ein Video wo er lacht:

Monday, October 6, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I put him in his highchair for the first time today- he really liked it!

playing with his ball

this is how he sleeps now- he actually needs his lovie to go to sleep