Samuel was born on Thursday, April 24 th at 2:03 pm. He weighed 5 pounds 8 ounces and was 18 inches long.
After 7 hours of labor at home we headed to Baylor. By then my contractions had gotten really close all the sudden- 1 to 2 minutes apart. After they finally checked me in and asked tons of questions, they checked my cervix- I was 8 centimeters dilated!! I got wheeled into the delivery room right away and started pushing just minutes later. There was no time for an epidural anymore and he was out 5 or 6 pushes later. I thought the hardest part was over, but the stitching up took another 1 1/2 hours. I had a pretty complicated tear that was hard to get to and I almost had to have the epidural after all....
I would have not made it through all this whithout my hubby Keith and my sweet friend Debbie- who came to the hospital right when we got there too. Thank You ;)
Samuel is such a sweet little guy. He captured our hearts right away.
Here are a few first pictures:

Just born....
First family picture

Daddy and me
Mommy and me
Debbie and me

Finally Home